The entirety of Venus Drive is scheduled to be paved in early 2025 due to its current condition.
Paving, striping, and new sidewalk construction on Atlantic Boulevard and Ocean Ridge Way is scheduled in early 2025 to improve pedestrian safety.
The applicant, Home Owners Association for The 700’s at Ocean Drive, has submitted an application for Major Development and Site Plan amendment requesting to modify the 700 Ocean Drive subdivision Planned Unit Development (PUD) to go from 10 single family homes sites to 9 single family homes. The properties specifically affected are 714 and 716 Ocean Drive. As part of this request, the homeowner of the property will demolish both homes and construct one new home on both properties.
At the July 15th Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the Board unanimously recommended approval regarding the Major Site Plan Amendment and the installation of the swimming pool between the CCCL and the Town’s 50-foot setback west of the CCCL.
At the January 22, 2025 Town Council Meeting, Council at a 3-2 vote, approved the request for a Major Site Plan Amendment and the installation of the swimming pool between the CCCL and the Town’s 50-foot setback west of the CCCL.
The applicant, Pulte Home Company LLC, is requesting approval of a new clustered single-family town-home development consisting of up to 40 town-home units. As part of this request, five (5) separate applications have been submitted to the Town of Juno Beach, which include: 1.) Easement Abandonment 2.) Comprehensive Plan Amendment 3.) Zoning Map Amendment 4.) Development and Site Plan, and 5.) Special Exception.
The Subject Property, formerly known as the "Christmas Tree Lot” is situated on approximately 4.32 acres of land, conveniently located near the southwest intersection of Donald Ross Road and US Highway 1. Currently, the easternmost portion of the property along US Highway 1 comprises a vacant bank with a drive-thru and parking (to be demolished as part of this proposal), while the remainder of the property is vacant. It is important to note that the proposed plan includes abandoning the existing 50-foot Cocoanut Avenue Right-of-Way immediately to the west parcel boundary of the Subject Property.
The Dunes at Juno Beach was reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Board on August 5th. The Planning & Zoning Board recommended approval to the Town Council.
This item is scheduled to have its 1st reading at the August 28th Town Council Meeting and the 2nd reading at the September 25th Town Council Meeting.
Town Council held a public Meeting on September 25th, 2024 and approved the request based upon conditions of approval.
The Waterford is a senior living facility located southwest of the Universe Boulevard and US Highway One intersection at 601 Universe Boulevard. The Town Council approved the Major Site Plan Modification to the existing 14.52-acre Waterford Campus, which included the annexation of seven adjacent parcels, which are under the Waterford ownership, as well as portion of the Osceola Right-Of-Way (previously located in unincorporated Palm Beach County). The approved project is modifying the 492 bed senior living facility, to allow for redevelopment and modernization of the campus. The project will introduce new continuous care services like Assisted Living and Memory Care, the total number of beds after completion will be 638 beds.
Caretta is a proposed an infill mixed-use project featuring 94 multifamily units, 13,978 square feet of retail use, 2,000 square feet of office space, 7,112 square feet of restaurant space and 2,500 square feet of outdoor dining space. The subject property is +/- 5.38 acres in size and is located within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District. The project had its first development review committee (DRC) meeting in early February 2022.
The project had its second development review committee (DRC) meeting on March 31, 2022.
On June 6, the Planning & Zoning Board recommended denial of the applicant's request for a Variance to allow for the 45 ft. front setback requirement to be reduced to 37 ft. due to a request from FDOT and Palm Beach County Traffic Division to grant an additional 8 ft. of Right-of-Way for future road projects.
Town Council held a public Meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 and approved the request based upon conditions of approval.