Flood Insurance
The Town of Juno Beach is a barrier island and certain areas may be prone to flooding. Flooding is not covered by normal homeowners' insurance a separate flood policy is necessary. Flood insurance is available in the community through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This insurance is backed by the Federal Government and FEMA. Homeowners should contact their insurance agent to receive a quote and it is recommended that renters also have a policy to cover personal contents. Ask your insurance agent about a low-cost Preferred Risk Policy. Once flood insurance is obtained, there is a 30-day delay before the policy is in full force and effect.
You can insure your home with flood insurance for up to:
$250,000 for the building & $100,000 for your contents
For non-residential buildings you can insure for up to:
$500,000 for the building & $500,000 for your contents
Property Protection
You can minimize damage to a structure with a few simple acts:
Store materials like sandbags, plywood, and plastic sheeting to protect your house from flood waters and to make quick repairs after a severe storm.
Secure your home before leaving. Bring outdoor belongings such as garbage cans and patio furniture inside the house or tie them down securely. Move essential items and furniture to the upper floors; lock doors and windows.
Protect windows with storm shutters.
Elevate the building above the flood level.
Dry or wet floodproof the building to limit water damage and intrusion.
Redirect drainage away from the building.
Maintain storm drains and keep swales clear of debris.
Correct sewer back-up problems.
For information on retrofitting or flood proofing your structure to reduce the impact of flooding, call the Planning & Zoning Department at (561)656-0312.
Build Responsibly
Get a permit before you build. Contact the Planning & Zoning Department at (561)656-0312 prior to any construction activities or to report illegal floodplain development.
Map Determinations & Information
The Town provides map determinations to let you know if your property is in a flood hazard area and if you are required by Federal Law to carry flood insurance. For other pertinent information on flooding, contact staff directly at (561)656-0312.